Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Leveling with Friends

Proverbs 27:6 "Faithful are the wounds of a friend."

Wow, this is a good one for me, someone who truly feels the obligation to tell people the truth...even if it hurts! I always struggle with this because I tend to feel it is my duty to tell people the truth even if it isn't the popular thing. I tend to tell people what they typically don't want to hear. I always wonder if I am being Christian-like, rude, helpful, discerning, unsympathetic, ruthless, or what. My good friends are typically OK with my candor and frankness, but my 'more like acquaintance' friends sometimes are taken aback. So, is my faithful and frank attitude is a blessing more than a curse. My parents both have the same trait...so it's really not my fault:) LOL

Honestly, I would never hurt someone intentionally but I do typically feel compelled to be very frank. I have told TJ I feel it is my duty. If I don't do it, then who will??? I believe in my heart that honesty is one the most valued traits someone can possess, and without it where would we be! I believe that confrontation should be done out of love and not malicious intent.

So, I will continue to be my 'too honest' self and hope to do it with more love than ever. I always have this verse in Proverbs to back me up.

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